Over the past few years I have read many times people saying they wouldn't take away the extra chromosome from their child even if they could.
For the most part of this 3.5 year journey, that is NOT how I have felt.
But these past few months I have been feeling differently, I love who he is and what he brings to our family and to our community.
There was one moment when we were in Vanuatu that really helped me to see it - what he brings to the world...
Owen was sitting with some local women and they were playing a game of "happy and you know it" and clapping their hands, but when Owen saw one of the ladies was not clapping he got up and went over to her - gently taking her hands in his he clapped her hands together and smiled encouraging her to clap along, she laughed and started clapping and he laughed back to her in such a joyful way that everyone laughed. So simple - but for me it was a glimpse of the beautiful inclusiveness and the "in the moment joy" that people with the extra bring to the world.
So I don't know if I am a bit slow on the acceptance path or if I am average or what, but it is only now I understand that to take the extra away would mean that Owey isn't Owey. And that would make our family and community so much the poorer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
A glimpse inside the crystal ball
Today i was sent a link with a photo attached
and for the first time ever
I felt like was looking into the future..
I could see Owen as an young man!
Not only does the young guy with Ds and Owen look alike with their long blond locks but i love that this young man is participating fully in life.
Here is a couple of links of what this young man is up to
The path that this young man and his peers are forging here in Australia is making way the younger generations, kids like Owen, to come through school and into a more inclusive society.
So damn inspiring and exciting !
and for the first time ever
I felt like was looking into the future..
I could see Owen as an young man!
Not only does the young guy with Ds and Owen look alike with their long blond locks but i love that this young man is participating fully in life.
Here is a couple of links of what this young man is up to
The path that this young man and his peers are forging here in Australia is making way the younger generations, kids like Owen, to come through school and into a more inclusive society.
So damn inspiring and exciting !
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Preschool and volcanos
Just a quickie post to say Owen started preschool last week, the children treat him like a baby "babies aren't allowed in the cubbie", bit heart breaking for me, but I am sure Owen is thinking "well I am NOT a baby!!, so I'm coming in"It is hard watching him adjust he is clearly so out of his depth communication wise, the teachers don't know sign (but are learning as we go ) they have made no accomodation for him, he doesn't have an aid, I don't kow if it's a good or bad thing I don't know what to think at all. He is only there two mornings a week, if he was there full time I would be more concerned but two mornings seems okay and he is definatley settling in, joining in cooking, painting and generally exploring.In other news we had an amazing trip to Vanuatu where Owen was treated with lots of love and good humour by the local people, Randall said "Owen should live in Vanuatu because people treat him so well there". I don't know if Owen is the first person with Ds to stand on the edge of an active volcano ( probably not) but he was AMAZING up there, just excited and happy and very relaxed ! He was also amazing with the local kids playing with them the moment he stepped into their village. It has been such a great experience for us all being in another country, only problem is we have been bitten by the travel bug!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
More than ready
The last few weeks have been hard emotionally for me.
Owen has been difficult, he is cranky and bored easily, so he does things he shouldn't like playing with the CD player or he runs around and around the kitchen table - looking out from the corner of his eye - his new visual stim....arrrghhh.
He screams and yells a lot and this upsets Cy who cries and whines really loudly which makes Owen yell even louder.
To put it simply Owen can be hard work, he needs alot of attention, he is curious and naughty and he can be a down right bully, (Cy cops it most)and everyone is frustrated with him at some point during the day.
So I feel it is really time for him to move on to preschool a couple of days a week. I have mixed feelings about the fact that Cy and Owey will be in the same class, of course Cy will be able to help with signs and communication but I am a little worried that Cy will have lost his respite days from Owey, Cy really needs a break from him. I guess it's one of those 'suck it and see' moments (do you know that expression?). And anyway it will only be for 10 weeks before school closes for the year, then Cy will move to the Kindy room in 2013. (our school year runs from Feb till December).
Everything changes.
My hope is that with Owey in preschool 2 days he will appreciate and enjoy being at home again instead of running a terror campaign on the house and everyone in it.
Friday, September 7, 2012
June post that I didnt post
So June was a complete write off for Owen, he was sick with high temps for 6 days at the beginning of the month, then something changed and I knew he was in trouble, I took him to the doctors that day but she couldnt hear or see anything terribly wrong - "just an upper respiratory infection", I felt reassured.....but I was also troubled......I was having flashbacks to his first year when after his heart surgery when he contracted RSV and his airways were shot.
2 days later (8th day of high temps) we went back to the doctors and this time she could hear crackles in his lungs, she gave me a ticket to get an xray of his chest done - she didn't make it seem very urgent - she even said "get it done tomorrow" - I left the surgery and went straight to the Xray clinic - 10 minutes after having the xray, the doctor rang - Owen has pnemonia !
By this stage Col, Owen and I were exhausted, we were hardly sleeping at night, Owen would flap around, grunting, coughing, he was in our bed to save ourselves having to constantly get up to reassure him. Anyway we started him on antibiotics and braced ourselves for another night of very broken sleep - the doctor wanted to see him in the morning. By this time Cy had also come down with a bad chest ..
By morning she could hear even more crackles in his chest and she sent us off to the hospital, we were admitted and actaully for that first day he was kind of okay - they put an IV in and started giving him antibiotics - but come night time he CRASHED his O2 sats went down to 82 and he went onto oxygen.
He kept going down hill for the next 3 days, it was so scarey, at one stage I took him off the oxygen to take him to the toilet (he ended up totally regressing with toileting during our stay in hospital) and on the way back he was like a limp dishrag in my arms, his sats were 76 when we got him back into bed, he had stopped eating and drinking, I started to panic a little why wasnt he getting better??
On the 4 th day he woke up after another shitty nights "sleep" and wanted some orange to eat and then he ate all morning and started drinking again - which was lucky because the IV packed up that afternoon. Finally he had turned the corner, now we were just waiting for his sats to come back up - they kept on trying to wean him of the O2 but he just couldn't cope crashing back to 85 within a few minutes. This went on for days ,,,,,,.......,,,, and days. by this stage I had, had 2 nurses a doctor and the ward cleaner ask me "did I know that Owen had Ds when you were pregnant?" NOW I don't know what the F. that has to do with his care but I am SO sick of people asking me that question 3 years down the track, still answering THAT question. Does it matter?? Does my answer matter??? Does it give them permission to feel sorry for me OR think I have brought this situation on ourselves ??? I was so angry with thinking...what are they REALLY asking ???
They tried some steroids to reduce the swelling in his lungs - horrible stuff - Owen was hyper/agitated on it and I hated seeing him like that - the course of steroids was 3 days long and I wished each of those days away as quickly as possible.
At this stage (day 7 in hospital) I thought if we dont get him moving the junk that was in his chest was never going to get out, so I started taking him off the O2 and making him walk, and play on the floor until he would get lethargic and pale and then I would put him back on the 02.
On the morning of day 11 in hospital, and with Col and I completely shattered) we were finally allowed to take him home - his sats were sitting around 94 - but that was good enough - we were busting him out.
So - after 21 days of illness he was finally getting back to normal, well except for the toileting....so frustrating!
But then I started to feel sick .....really sick, I am pretty sure I got what Owen and Cy had had, it was a nasty flu and no wonder Owey got pnemonia, my chest was so tight and congested I really struggled to shift the junk on my chest, and I think it was only that Cy is a bit bigger and stronger that he managed to stay out of hospital himself. So after laying around for over a week and coughing until it hurt I started to feel better and Owen was starting to have less toileting accidents, Cy had stopped coughing too. And June was over !
July arrived - Owen is toileting again with no accidents, everyone is well.
And I've decided to be generous and think that people ask me if I knew Owey had Ds before he was born out of idle curiosity, nothing more.....
2 days later (8th day of high temps) we went back to the doctors and this time she could hear crackles in his lungs, she gave me a ticket to get an xray of his chest done - she didn't make it seem very urgent - she even said "get it done tomorrow" - I left the surgery and went straight to the Xray clinic - 10 minutes after having the xray, the doctor rang - Owen has pnemonia !
By this stage Col, Owen and I were exhausted, we were hardly sleeping at night, Owen would flap around, grunting, coughing, he was in our bed to save ourselves having to constantly get up to reassure him. Anyway we started him on antibiotics and braced ourselves for another night of very broken sleep - the doctor wanted to see him in the morning. By this time Cy had also come down with a bad chest ..
By morning she could hear even more crackles in his chest and she sent us off to the hospital, we were admitted and actaully for that first day he was kind of okay - they put an IV in and started giving him antibiotics - but come night time he CRASHED his O2 sats went down to 82 and he went onto oxygen.
He kept going down hill for the next 3 days, it was so scarey, at one stage I took him off the oxygen to take him to the toilet (he ended up totally regressing with toileting during our stay in hospital) and on the way back he was like a limp dishrag in my arms, his sats were 76 when we got him back into bed, he had stopped eating and drinking, I started to panic a little why wasnt he getting better??
On the 4 th day he woke up after another shitty nights "sleep" and wanted some orange to eat and then he ate all morning and started drinking again - which was lucky because the IV packed up that afternoon. Finally he had turned the corner, now we were just waiting for his sats to come back up - they kept on trying to wean him of the O2 but he just couldn't cope crashing back to 85 within a few minutes. This went on for days ,,,,,,.......,,,, and days. by this stage I had, had 2 nurses a doctor and the ward cleaner ask me "did I know that Owen had Ds when you were pregnant?" NOW I don't know what the F. that has to do with his care but I am SO sick of people asking me that question 3 years down the track, still answering THAT question. Does it matter?? Does my answer matter??? Does it give them permission to feel sorry for me OR think I have brought this situation on ourselves ??? I was so angry with thinking...what are they REALLY asking ???
They tried some steroids to reduce the swelling in his lungs - horrible stuff - Owen was hyper/agitated on it and I hated seeing him like that - the course of steroids was 3 days long and I wished each of those days away as quickly as possible.
At this stage (day 7 in hospital) I thought if we dont get him moving the junk that was in his chest was never going to get out, so I started taking him off the O2 and making him walk, and play on the floor until he would get lethargic and pale and then I would put him back on the 02.
On the morning of day 11 in hospital, and with Col and I completely shattered) we were finally allowed to take him home - his sats were sitting around 94 - but that was good enough - we were busting him out.
So - after 21 days of illness he was finally getting back to normal, well except for the toileting....so frustrating!
But then I started to feel sick .....really sick, I am pretty sure I got what Owen and Cy had had, it was a nasty flu and no wonder Owey got pnemonia, my chest was so tight and congested I really struggled to shift the junk on my chest, and I think it was only that Cy is a bit bigger and stronger that he managed to stay out of hospital himself. So after laying around for over a week and coughing until it hurt I started to feel better and Owen was starting to have less toileting accidents, Cy had stopped coughing too. And June was over !
July arrived - Owen is toileting again with no accidents, everyone is well.
And I've decided to be generous and think that people ask me if I knew Owey had Ds before he was born out of idle curiosity, nothing more.....
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Oweys FAV Tunes
Owen is having a little burst of speech at the moment, which is so cool, I know it is something we will be working on for years to come but he is really trying so hard to overcome his dyspraxia, sometimes you can see the word wanting to burst out of his mouth he is trying THAT hard - it comes out all jumbled or with only one sound (which sounds nothing like what its meant to) words like "Open" are nearly impossible for him - even though he can say "Owen" easily, for me it seems like a small step from Open to Owen but he just hasnt made it yet.
I think what has helped him with speech recently is an English as a Second Language music CD by Dream English. Because the principles of teaching ESL to children is - repetition, simple songs sung slowly and clearly and with few but repeating phrases or words, just what Owen needs ! His favourites songs are I like Apples , Its a Dog and the Color Song (I have provided the youtube links to these songs and you can also download free flashcards for each of the songs from the Dream English Website and the audio files you can download from iTunes). We have the Dream English CD and we sign and sing along to these songs almost everyday they are great preschool age songs and he absolutely loves them and asks for them over and over.
Also Owey isn't enjoying Apps on the iPad so much at the moment, because he is loving watching youtube ! so his favourtie things are
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
10 little Numbers
Apple apple Aaa
Driving My Tractor (warning totally addictive !! his fav by far)
The Shape Train (there is also a number train, fruit, colors, alphabet ...etc (these are great because there is a good pause between each word which gives Owen time to have a try of each one as they come by.
Numbers Song (there are also versions in italian, spanish, german, japanese and french and both Owen and Cy love all of them !??? This song is nice and slow and repeated.
Its kinda great that he is choosing to watch things that are "good" for him and I definately think that he is learning speech from watching them over and over (well at least twice a day ;)
He is just starting to put a couple of words together when he talks, things like "there 'tis" when he finds something he has been looking for, and "Cy 'oool" (Cys at school). And the other day he said "I read it" as he sat to read a book, we all looked at each other to see who had said it - it was like the dog had suddenly spoken, I nearly fell over ! But its just a one off a tiny glimpse and then it was gone again, you can't make him repeat things like that when he sayes it, its just a moment, a flicker of fluency. I hope that with time and practice we will hear more of this kinda thing more often, rather than randomly, cause its in there !
I think what has helped him with speech recently is an English as a Second Language music CD by Dream English. Because the principles of teaching ESL to children is - repetition, simple songs sung slowly and clearly and with few but repeating phrases or words, just what Owen needs ! His favourites songs are I like Apples , Its a Dog and the Color Song (I have provided the youtube links to these songs and you can also download free flashcards for each of the songs from the Dream English Website and the audio files you can download from iTunes). We have the Dream English CD and we sign and sing along to these songs almost everyday they are great preschool age songs and he absolutely loves them and asks for them over and over.
Also Owey isn't enjoying Apps on the iPad so much at the moment, because he is loving watching youtube ! so his favourtie things are
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
10 little Numbers
Apple apple Aaa
Driving My Tractor (warning totally addictive !! his fav by far)
The Shape Train (there is also a number train, fruit, colors, alphabet ...etc (these are great because there is a good pause between each word which gives Owen time to have a try of each one as they come by.
Numbers Song (there are also versions in italian, spanish, german, japanese and french and both Owen and Cy love all of them !??? This song is nice and slow and repeated.
Its kinda great that he is choosing to watch things that are "good" for him and I definately think that he is learning speech from watching them over and over (well at least twice a day ;)
He is just starting to put a couple of words together when he talks, things like "there 'tis" when he finds something he has been looking for, and "Cy 'oool" (Cys at school). And the other day he said "I read it" as he sat to read a book, we all looked at each other to see who had said it - it was like the dog had suddenly spoken, I nearly fell over ! But its just a one off a tiny glimpse and then it was gone again, you can't make him repeat things like that when he sayes it, its just a moment, a flicker of fluency. I hope that with time and practice we will hear more of this kinda thing more often, rather than randomly, cause its in there !
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Reps update
So i just wanted to write down just what I have been doing with Owen during the past few weeks (re previous post).
I got him a little spray bottle so he can squeeze a mist out, rather than dirt or spit. He can work the spray bottle (building up his finger strength) while doing something that seems more purposeful, we sprayed the concrete, leaves on the bushes etc and still getting his visual fix of seeing the mist in the sunlight. We tell him to blow or whistle the moment he starts to do spit raspberries and it is working well, he loves the sound of whistling and stops pretty much right away.
If he goes under the deck to throw dirt and make dust clouds I entice him out by asking him to come and blow bubbles with me, the bubble mix is now stationed right at the back door so I can get it quickly, he comes out from under the deck pretty much right away now. I think the bubbles still meets his visual need, and it is so much better than him stirring up dust clouds for himself, we interact, we connect, he works his lips and breath control, makes me feel so much better!
Finally the last thing, I got some little plant pots we had left over and showed Owen how to fill them up and let the sand pour out the holes in the bottom of the pot, we used the pouring sand to fill up the toy trucks, he llikes this activity, Again I think it meets his sensory needs but its nice and CLEAN , lol
After writing the post about Owen playing in repetitive ways and how anxious I was feeling that he may develop/slide into autism, I finally went to bed. As I lay there, in the darkness I thought more about it and came to just one conclusion - that all I can do, really all I can do, is LOVE him right here, right now, TODAY ( because how much control have I got to stop the organic process of autism ? None! )
And I have enjoyed him so much over the past few days.
He seems lighter to.
It all seems to be paying off, because he is getting easier and easier to distract from those repetitive habits, he even smiled at me the other day when I found him under the deck (again), quickly signed "bubbles" and came out to me without me even asking. Yes he got his bubbles. Cheeky monkey.
I got him a little spray bottle so he can squeeze a mist out, rather than dirt or spit. He can work the spray bottle (building up his finger strength) while doing something that seems more purposeful, we sprayed the concrete, leaves on the bushes etc and still getting his visual fix of seeing the mist in the sunlight. We tell him to blow or whistle the moment he starts to do spit raspberries and it is working well, he loves the sound of whistling and stops pretty much right away.
If he goes under the deck to throw dirt and make dust clouds I entice him out by asking him to come and blow bubbles with me, the bubble mix is now stationed right at the back door so I can get it quickly, he comes out from under the deck pretty much right away now. I think the bubbles still meets his visual need, and it is so much better than him stirring up dust clouds for himself, we interact, we connect, he works his lips and breath control, makes me feel so much better!
Finally the last thing, I got some little plant pots we had left over and showed Owen how to fill them up and let the sand pour out the holes in the bottom of the pot, we used the pouring sand to fill up the toy trucks, he llikes this activity, Again I think it meets his sensory needs but its nice and CLEAN , lol
After writing the post about Owen playing in repetitive ways and how anxious I was feeling that he may develop/slide into autism, I finally went to bed. As I lay there, in the darkness I thought more about it and came to just one conclusion - that all I can do, really all I can do, is LOVE him right here, right now, TODAY ( because how much control have I got to stop the organic process of autism ? None! )
And I have enjoyed him so much over the past few days.
He seems lighter to.
It all seems to be paying off, because he is getting easier and easier to distract from those repetitive habits, he even smiled at me the other day when I found him under the deck (again), quickly signed "bubbles" and came out to me without me even asking. Yes he got his bubbles. Cheeky monkey.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Umm a few to many reps ?
Owen has always had a few quirky behaviors which have changed over time
Before he was mobile he used to stare at the back of his hand, like he was checking out a manicure, he also had what the doc called a habit spasm sometimes when he was sitting or laying on his back he would suddenly stiffen and roll his eyes to the top of his head, sheesh at first we thought it could have been seizures but we took a video to the paed (it took 4 days of trying to get a good video of it and then Owen did it as we sat down in the paeds office)! and he confirmed it was "only" a habit spasm. Later when Owen was bear crawling and he would be in the downward dog yoga pose he would drive any toy close by through his legs while putting his weight through his head and one of his arms. Once he started walking he lost this quirk too.
But at the moment I can't leave him outside for more than 5 minutes alone or else I find him "dusting" he loves to see the dust clouds billow up from sweeping the dirt under our deck or out on our driveway, I always tell him it's dirty and to stop and then try redirecting him, he is always easily distracted from his dusting but just as quickly goes back to it if I am not directly engaging him, so sad and maddening to see him trying to sneak back, I can't leave him unattended.. And inside if there is any sunshine streaming through the windows he will blow raspberries of spit into the light to watch them splutter out and fall, again I redirect, but often I just shut the blind to stop him doing it. And recently I notice he spends way to much time lying on the floor to drive cars back and forth close up in front of his eyes.
........ He's visually stimming right?
Scary shit. Really scary.
my resting heart rate is double what it should be, it makes me feel sick to think these behaviors might mean O has autism.
Or maybe it's just a DS thing right? ........or maybe not........
He is still his sweet self, still hates giving kisses or hugs...... Booow boooom (oh does random people at playgroup count?)
I am analyzing everything the kid does, eats, sayes........glimpses of that diagnosis trapdoor threatening to open..........again
Before he was mobile he used to stare at the back of his hand, like he was checking out a manicure, he also had what the doc called a habit spasm sometimes when he was sitting or laying on his back he would suddenly stiffen and roll his eyes to the top of his head, sheesh at first we thought it could have been seizures but we took a video to the paed (it took 4 days of trying to get a good video of it and then Owen did it as we sat down in the paeds office)! and he confirmed it was "only" a habit spasm. Later when Owen was bear crawling and he would be in the downward dog yoga pose he would drive any toy close by through his legs while putting his weight through his head and one of his arms. Once he started walking he lost this quirk too.
But at the moment I can't leave him outside for more than 5 minutes alone or else I find him "dusting" he loves to see the dust clouds billow up from sweeping the dirt under our deck or out on our driveway, I always tell him it's dirty and to stop and then try redirecting him, he is always easily distracted from his dusting but just as quickly goes back to it if I am not directly engaging him, so sad and maddening to see him trying to sneak back, I can't leave him unattended.. And inside if there is any sunshine streaming through the windows he will blow raspberries of spit into the light to watch them splutter out and fall, again I redirect, but often I just shut the blind to stop him doing it. And recently I notice he spends way to much time lying on the floor to drive cars back and forth close up in front of his eyes.
........ He's visually stimming right?
Scary shit. Really scary.
my resting heart rate is double what it should be, it makes me feel sick to think these behaviors might mean O has autism.
Or maybe it's just a DS thing right? ........or maybe not........
He is still his sweet self, still hates giving kisses or hugs...... Booow boooom (oh does random people at playgroup count?)
I am analyzing everything the kid does, eats, sayes........glimpses of that diagnosis trapdoor threatening to open..........again
Friday, March 30, 2012
The letting go
When I think about Cys seperation anxiety at preschool I have this vision, a mental picture - I see myself with baby Owen in my arms, he is very sick.....and needs an operation to mend his heart. I am looking down at Owen - all my attention is on him. And my other baby - Cy (he was 16 months when Owen was born), is holding onto my legs, holding on to ME tight. This picture has been with me since Cy started preschool, I didn't know why it appeared or what it meant.
Well I talked to a few people about it, some thought the vision was about my guilt, but I don't feel guilty at all, I feel quite detached from the picture.....it just is. In reality I did meet the needs of both of my little boys - I tandem fed both boys for nearly 4 months (weaning Cy at 20 months), yes my mind was full of worry, sadness and grieving after Owens birth but I used to relish being with Cy his cheeky, loveliness, kept me in the present moment kept me living, moving, breathing.
I got a bit lead astray with the suggestion it was about my guilt, I thought about that for a few weeks but decided in the end that really, truly it wasn't about guilt. Its all about Cy about how he feels - like he can't let go. Of course baby Owen got his operation and after about a year of sickness was finally well, and little boy Cy grew up too and now it is time for Preschool and Cy doesn't know how to let go of me, its a complete crisis for him. He has a great time once he settles but can take 2 + hours! But he really does like preschool, he tells me its only because I leave that he cries. He doesn't know how to let go, after all that's how how it was for him for nearly half his life !
It has taken me 8 weeks to work it out - how to transform this picture........to give it power. It happened last week when Cy and I were drawing with pavement chalk out at the front step, I drew a mother with a baby in her arms and I began to tell Cy a story about the mother who had a very sick baby and also a little boy. I drew the boy holding on tight to his mums legs. Of course eventually the little baby has an operation and isn't sick anymore but the boy is stuck fast to his mum legs and can't let go, he is afraid.
I asked Cy to tell the little boy to let go of his mums legs for just a little while and then come to his mummy's arms since she can now hold both of her children, now that the baby isn't sick anymore.
Cy totally 'got' it. And at the end of the story, gave me a great big bear hug and told me "at the end of Preschool you can cuddle me in your arms again" I hadn't even mentioned preschool !!!
I would love to say that, telling the story completely transformed the saying goodbye at Preschool this week, it didn't. He cried as soon as we got to the gate but unlike the other times it seemed he was much more aware of other stuff, he was crying as I put his inside shoes on but he would stop to ask me - who's name is that (on the lockers), then boo hoo again and "who's shoes are they" and more boo hooing, its like the sadness at breaking up it wasn't consuming him completely this week, almost feeling he could let go..?
We have only one week of school left (Cy only goes 2 days) before Easter holidays, 2 weeks off, just as we are on the cusp of a breakthrough, its a bit frustrating. So over the holidays I plan lots of playdates with preschool buddies for him and the retelling of the story ad nauseum.
And a little reminder of how lovely and sweet Cy was at the time Owen was born.
Well I talked to a few people about it, some thought the vision was about my guilt, but I don't feel guilty at all, I feel quite detached from the picture.....it just is. In reality I did meet the needs of both of my little boys - I tandem fed both boys for nearly 4 months (weaning Cy at 20 months), yes my mind was full of worry, sadness and grieving after Owens birth but I used to relish being with Cy his cheeky, loveliness, kept me in the present moment kept me living, moving, breathing.
I got a bit lead astray with the suggestion it was about my guilt, I thought about that for a few weeks but decided in the end that really, truly it wasn't about guilt. Its all about Cy about how he feels - like he can't let go. Of course baby Owen got his operation and after about a year of sickness was finally well, and little boy Cy grew up too and now it is time for Preschool and Cy doesn't know how to let go of me, its a complete crisis for him. He has a great time once he settles but can take 2 + hours! But he really does like preschool, he tells me its only because I leave that he cries. He doesn't know how to let go, after all that's how how it was for him for nearly half his life !
It has taken me 8 weeks to work it out - how to transform this picture........to give it power. It happened last week when Cy and I were drawing with pavement chalk out at the front step, I drew a mother with a baby in her arms and I began to tell Cy a story about the mother who had a very sick baby and also a little boy. I drew the boy holding on tight to his mums legs. Of course eventually the little baby has an operation and isn't sick anymore but the boy is stuck fast to his mum legs and can't let go, he is afraid.
I asked Cy to tell the little boy to let go of his mums legs for just a little while and then come to his mummy's arms since she can now hold both of her children, now that the baby isn't sick anymore.
Cy totally 'got' it. And at the end of the story, gave me a great big bear hug and told me "at the end of Preschool you can cuddle me in your arms again" I hadn't even mentioned preschool !!!
I would love to say that, telling the story completely transformed the saying goodbye at Preschool this week, it didn't. He cried as soon as we got to the gate but unlike the other times it seemed he was much more aware of other stuff, he was crying as I put his inside shoes on but he would stop to ask me - who's name is that (on the lockers), then boo hoo again and "who's shoes are they" and more boo hooing, its like the sadness at breaking up it wasn't consuming him completely this week, almost feeling he could let go..?
We have only one week of school left (Cy only goes 2 days) before Easter holidays, 2 weeks off, just as we are on the cusp of a breakthrough, its a bit frustrating. So over the holidays I plan lots of playdates with preschool buddies for him and the retelling of the story ad nauseum.
And a little reminder of how lovely and sweet Cy was at the time Owen was born.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Goodbye summer
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Random thought of the day
Owen has been little for soooo long.
Everyone at playgroup was talking about how fast their kids grow up.
One kid is walking at 8 months old (way too early!)
I know where those parents are coming from, but
I sat there thinking about complaining
I didnt make that statement,
I thought it would be met with crickets....chirp, chirp chirp........
Or worse
someone saying "oh but you get to enjoy each stage",
blahh gag.
Everyone at playgroup was talking about how fast their kids grow up.
One kid is walking at 8 months old (way too early!)
I know where those parents are coming from, but
I sat there thinking about complaining
I didnt make that statement,
I thought it would be met with crickets....chirp, chirp chirp........
Or worse
someone saying "oh but you get to enjoy each stage",
blahh gag.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The boys loo and tears
Another hellish morning for Cy. Poor thing so anxious about preschool that he wouldn't come out is bedroom when he woke up this morning. He started crying before we left home and was a mess as we walked into preschool. Oh my Lordy SO stressful. Thankfully I got a call to say he had settled about 30 minutes after I left but they didn't ring me until he had been there 2.5 hours and I had been crying all that time!
Little Owey is finally better after suffering a fever over 39 for 4 days, he hardly ate or drank during this time and kept grabbing his mouth so I think it was a sore throat. He is back to his old self now and we are all catching up on lost sleep. He has been toilet training the past few days, I have to take him every 2 hours but occasionally he will tell me he has to go or that he has gone already - in his pants!
Little Owey is finally better after suffering a fever over 39 for 4 days, he hardly ate or drank during this time and kept grabbing his mouth so I think it was a sore throat. He is back to his old self now and we are all catching up on lost sleep. He has been toilet training the past few days, I have to take him every 2 hours but occasionally he will tell me he has to go or that he has gone already - in his pants!
Anyway I think it is going ok, the only thing is he likes to watch his pee, so he leans right back on the seat so it goes right up in the air and lands not in the bowl but on the floor in front of the toilet, blahh. With all this peeing on the floor our bathroom smelt like the boys school toilets I was scrubbing and washing with our regular bathroom cleaner and couldn't shift THAT smell (which apparently none of the males in the house can smell) but now I found a great natural product that eats proteins it's actually designed for boys loos ! Now the bathroom smells flowery and sweet!
Still i am not sure How to discourage him from peeing on the floor in the first place ? Maybe I will just have to wait until later when we teach him to go standing up. BOYS! Thursday, February 2, 2012
Today when i arrived at preschool Cy met me with "mum I had a miserable day". He had cried, he tried hiding at circle time, he felt sad. The teachers who are lovely managed His feelings and he was playing happily when I got there. This is the last session of the week he won't go back till next Tuesday, thankfully.
I knew it was risky taking him this morning he was awake during the night, nothing was wrong, he didn't call out for us, he just lay awake making train noises, weeshing and whooshing for a couple of HOURS, Col got up to him to tuck him in and get him back to sleep and asked why was he awake (it was 3 in the morning) Cy told him "my head is full of trains!" and he asked if Cols head was full of tractors (Col likes vintage tractors), Col couldn't help but smile.
So Cy slept in this morning till 8.15 but I got him to eat his cereal, get washed and dressed and to preschool by 9 am. He was fine said goodbye to me and was a bit anxious but only as much as he had been the past 2 days. But it all started to get messy at circle time, he didn't want to participate and tried to hide, the teacher ended up sitting him on her lap, and after circle time sad feelings came and he cried.
I am beating myself up about even taking him today, next time I will keep him home if he is up in the night. I should know better because unfortunately being awake and having a head full of trains at night is a way too regular occurrence for Cy. He can go a week or so without waking and then out of nowhere we will have a bad run and he will be awake for hours each night. But it's the days that are by far the worst. When he finally wakes after sleeping in, he is always fractious, demanding and tense, not his best days and not my best either, my patience quickly runs out.
I am so tired of worrying about Cy, even before he was born I worried, he hardly moved in the womb and was lying sideways (transverse) from the time he was about 24 weeks and I went into labour with him in that position and needed a csection to cut him out. He was difficult to feed, he didn't smile till he was 8 weeks old (my oldest boy was giggling at 8 weeks old!), he was all twisted up from his strange position in the womb, he didn't walk till he was 19.5 months, he didn't put two words together until he was 33 months, he needed glasses by his 3 rd birthday, he's had constant fluid in his ears, he has these weird eczema hot spots from the time we introduced solids.( we finally worked out it was oats causing it after 8 months of an elimination diet and allergy testing).
He has had physio since he was 8 weeks old, he has had speech therapy on and off since he was 2, he's had his adenoids out and ear tubes in, he wears glasses (he has just been diagnosed as also having astigmatism), he has some kind of weird foot thing and has to wear night splints and orthotics, we finally worked out it was oats causing the hotspots after 8 months on an Elimination diet and allergy testing, he still has dietary issues and he still can't button buttons or do more than a line or a scribble with a crayon.
So in short this kid has issues....But no diagnosis...yet
The latest speech assessment said he was all caught up to his peers in speech however it highlighted a problem with pragmatics, I am not really even sure what the hell pragmatics are but in a nut shell the ST sayes this indicates he has autism or at the least Aspergers (which is on the spectrum anyway) it is just a different way of saying you have high-functioning autism.
anyway I have found out about a psych unit at the university here that run therapy sessions and clinics for children with anxiety and .......drumroll...please, autism, the therapists there work one on one with the children using role play and the parents observe. We have put our name on the (short) waiting list
So I had this autism idea in my head and lots of anxiety about how he would go at preschool especially after a complete bomb when I tried to start him there in September last year.
Then today happened, which in hindsight is not such a huge deal but I am having a meltdown.There is always more to do, more gaps to fill, more questions to answer and more anxiety. All of this ( the longest and probably most self indulgent post I have ever written) to say I am so over it! Blarrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
OMG he likes it
Cy has had 2 mornings at preschool this week and he is doing great. I seriously cant believe it, cause last year when we tried it was a DISASTER he never lasted more than 20 minutes before they rang me to come get him. I am still nervous -especially about jinxing myself ! But I think the new beautiful teacher has made all the difference.
Here are the boys on the front step on the first day of preschool.
I think Owey looks apprehensive unlike Cy who is as happy as a pumpkin ! And what is with Oweys hair? I don't know ? I dont remember doing like that? It's all Crusty the Clown (from The Simpson)s....blah
Then Owey spontaneously leant over and hugged Cy and I thought ahhhh how cute.....but now I look at it, I think the stinker is just trying to suss out what's in the bag!

Here are the boys on the front step on the first day of preschool.
Then Owey spontaneously leant over and hugged Cy and I thought ahhhh how cute.....but now I look at it, I think the stinker is just trying to suss out what's in the bag!
Owen is loving preschool too, each morning and afternoon he gets right into playing and even joined the morning circle this morning without any prompting, I know when it comes time for him to start he is going to just slip right in, but that's for later in the year.....
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Our new therapist!
Last week I had a friend from down the road come over, she has three girls and the 2 youngest came over with her, they are 12 and 7.
So while we mums were talking the 12year old -Bonnie played with Owen and Alison the 7 year old played with Cy.
Cy and Alison had a blast they played rocketships in the backyard, they played doctors, they had train races and climbed our apricot tree to eat loads of ripe and unripe apricots. Suddenly I felt like maybe Cy might be okay at preschool this year, just a flicker of hope there.
And Bonnie wow where do I begin, she was amazing with Owen playing with him for 2 hours, she is so intuitive, she follows his lead when playing and keeps things interesting, she had so many turn taking "conversations" with Owen I am sure his jaw was aching afterwards, actually he was so tired that he fell asleep when Bonnie was reading to him so she put him to bed and tucked him in! Bonnie was better than any therapist! So what did I do, I hired her on the spot.
She is going to come over once a week to play and talk with Owen and i have also asked her to do the Nuffield cards with hiim and all for the princely sum of $6.50 per visit. She has been over already this week and Owen taught her a bunch of signs which she loved learning. I asked her to come for an hour but she spent probably 2 hours here and Alison, her sister came to, to play with Cy apparently she was busting to come and play again because they had, had such a good time the prevoius week.
I feel like I have hit the jackpot !
So while we mums were talking the 12year old -Bonnie played with Owen and Alison the 7 year old played with Cy.
Cy and Alison had a blast they played rocketships in the backyard, they played doctors, they had train races and climbed our apricot tree to eat loads of ripe and unripe apricots. Suddenly I felt like maybe Cy might be okay at preschool this year, just a flicker of hope there.
And Bonnie wow where do I begin, she was amazing with Owen playing with him for 2 hours, she is so intuitive, she follows his lead when playing and keeps things interesting, she had so many turn taking "conversations" with Owen I am sure his jaw was aching afterwards, actually he was so tired that he fell asleep when Bonnie was reading to him so she put him to bed and tucked him in! Bonnie was better than any therapist! So what did I do, I hired her on the spot.
She is going to come over once a week to play and talk with Owen and i have also asked her to do the Nuffield cards with hiim and all for the princely sum of $6.50 per visit. She has been over already this week and Owen taught her a bunch of signs which she loved learning. I asked her to come for an hour but she spent probably 2 hours here and Alison, her sister came to, to play with Cy apparently she was busting to come and play again because they had, had such a good time the prevoius week.
I feel like I have hit the jackpot !
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
That moment
I haven't posted these photos before.
Owen was born 6 weeks early by CSection, he was delivered right onto my bare chest.
Owen was born 6 weeks early by CSection, he was delivered right onto my bare chest.
He stayed on my chest for a couple of hours, at first he was licking and sucking his hands and my chest and locking his beautiful, dark, ocean blue eyes with mine and then after a bit he fell asleep snuggled against me.
It was then I wrapped Owen up and handed him over to his dad for his first cuddle, I asked Col for the camera to capture the moment. I took a couple of photos and then stopped, and really looked at my son, but this time I saw something else, and I felt a flicker of panic. I asked Col "do you think he has Down's Syndrome? He rolled his eyes and softly shook his head no, and went back to the moment - holding his newborn son for the first time.
But I felt I had just stepped onto a trapdoor, which threatened to open and sweep me away into an abyss. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, I didn't dare. I wont ever forget that moment. The sickening anxiety and dread I felt.
So, a couple of days ago I was looking through a bunch of photos on the computer and I found
that photo.
That moment.
The moment when, for the first time I thought my newborn son had Down's syndrome.
I can never forget how that felt.
But now when I look at this picture I can also see...
an intensely proud father cherishing his newborn son
Time is healing my wounds
Giving me perspective
and the clarity
to see the beauty that was always there.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Summer Update
Well we are starting to finally enjoy some summer weather here!
Days by the river and days down at the beach, buckets of water in the backyard and lazy dinners outside on the deck. The kids are going to bed later, life is pretty relaxed. Love this summer holiday break.

About a month ago I wrote to our local member of parliament to complain about the lack of therapy for Owen (therapy here is meant to be free - funded by the government), he was very sympathetic and guess what since complaining to him Owen has had speech therapy very week ! What a shame I have to jump up and down and make an ass of myself to get him some therapy on a regular basis! He is doing well with the Nuffield dyspraxia cards -slowly professing, making new sounds, even doing a M,mmm sound for mum now, I'll take it!
He has progressed so slowly with his talking it is a bit worrisome, I know he will talk but it is so painfully slow and I know he thinks so much more than he can say.
I still struggle with how much therapy is enough or if I am doing enough for him, with him. Well that's not true, what I mean is I could be doing so much more with him, I find some kind of balance but I know I could being so much more. Like he showed me the other day that he understands counting, we were sticking foam cats onto paper using paste when he touched one of the cats and said one, then touched another saying "ooo" then I touched the next cat and he said "eeee" . I was totally shocked, and felt so guilty as I have never done any counting with him before and I guess he has learnt this incidentally, from books or songs.
Mind you he still seems to have no concept of big and little or under and on things the speech therapist has been working over the past few weeks with him. I even detected some frustration in her voice last week when working on big and little! Maybe she thinks he does know it but doesn't show her? Dunno. But I felt myself prickle and I thought jeez I fought for this therapy and now I am not sure if I like it!
His potty training goes well, for weeks pooing in the toilet, and then out of the blue usually because he is distracted playing with a toy he will forget to tell us and go in his nappy. In the past week he has been telling us he needs to wee, but it is not consistent and frankly I don't really feel like training him to toilet for wee just yet, today I have put him in undies but only cause it's so hot and I certainly don't expect him to get it just yet, I think I will save myself the frustration for a few more months yet.
What else? Owen is running everywhere! He is like the fireball of the family, the rest of us are so relaxed but he bolts around everywhere! I think he is letting out all that frustration of not being able to walk all those months when he wanted to but couldn't get that body to do what he wanted it to do. He is growing steadily still, he is 90 cms tall and weighs about 14.5 kgs (a bit chunky but okay).
We have some concerns about Cy his older brother, and they wonder if his delayed motor skills could be cerebral palsy and if his encyclopedic knowledge of Thomas Tank and dinosaurs and lack of peer friendships is due to Aspergers. I feel quite guilty about it, nothing is confirmed yet.
We do some testing nest week ...i am quite anxious, but I want to understand him better and help him where we can to be more socially at ease, maybe even go to preschool this year, we tried last year but it was a disaster, just too stressful for me! Stay tuned.....
Days by the river and days down at the beach, buckets of water in the backyard and lazy dinners outside on the deck. The kids are going to bed later, life is pretty relaxed. Love this summer holiday break.
About a month ago I wrote to our local member of parliament to complain about the lack of therapy for Owen (therapy here is meant to be free - funded by the government), he was very sympathetic and guess what since complaining to him Owen has had speech therapy very week ! What a shame I have to jump up and down and make an ass of myself to get him some therapy on a regular basis! He is doing well with the Nuffield dyspraxia cards -slowly professing, making new sounds, even doing a M,mmm sound for mum now, I'll take it!
He has progressed so slowly with his talking it is a bit worrisome, I know he will talk but it is so painfully slow and I know he thinks so much more than he can say.
I still struggle with how much therapy is enough or if I am doing enough for him, with him. Well that's not true, what I mean is I could be doing so much more with him, I find some kind of balance but I know I could being so much more. Like he showed me the other day that he understands counting, we were sticking foam cats onto paper using paste when he touched one of the cats and said one, then touched another saying "ooo" then I touched the next cat and he said "eeee" . I was totally shocked, and felt so guilty as I have never done any counting with him before and I guess he has learnt this incidentally, from books or songs.
Mind you he still seems to have no concept of big and little or under and on things the speech therapist has been working over the past few weeks with him. I even detected some frustration in her voice last week when working on big and little! Maybe she thinks he does know it but doesn't show her? Dunno. But I felt myself prickle and I thought jeez I fought for this therapy and now I am not sure if I like it!
His potty training goes well, for weeks pooing in the toilet, and then out of the blue usually because he is distracted playing with a toy he will forget to tell us and go in his nappy. In the past week he has been telling us he needs to wee, but it is not consistent and frankly I don't really feel like training him to toilet for wee just yet, today I have put him in undies but only cause it's so hot and I certainly don't expect him to get it just yet, I think I will save myself the frustration for a few more months yet.
What else? Owen is running everywhere! He is like the fireball of the family, the rest of us are so relaxed but he bolts around everywhere! I think he is letting out all that frustration of not being able to walk all those months when he wanted to but couldn't get that body to do what he wanted it to do. He is growing steadily still, he is 90 cms tall and weighs about 14.5 kgs (a bit chunky but okay).
We have some concerns about Cy his older brother, and they wonder if his delayed motor skills could be cerebral palsy and if his encyclopedic knowledge of Thomas Tank and dinosaurs and lack of peer friendships is due to Aspergers. I feel quite guilty about it, nothing is confirmed yet.
We do some testing nest week ...i am quite anxious, but I want to understand him better and help him where we can to be more socially at ease, maybe even go to preschool this year, we tried last year but it was a disaster, just too stressful for me! Stay tuned.....
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