Wednesday, January 11, 2012

That moment

I haven't posted these photos before.

Owen was born 6 weeks early by CSection, he was delivered right onto my bare chest.

He stayed on my chest for a couple of hours, at first he was licking and sucking his hands and my chest and locking his beautiful, dark, ocean blue eyes with mine and then after a bit he fell asleep snuggled against me.

It was then I wrapped Owen up and handed him over to his dad for his first cuddle, I asked Col for the camera to capture the moment. I took a couple of photos and then stopped, and really looked at my son, but this time I saw something else, and I felt a flicker of panic. I asked Col "do you think he has Down's Syndrome? He rolled his eyes and softly shook his head no, and went back to the moment - holding his newborn son for the first time.

But I felt I had just stepped onto a trapdoor, which threatened to open and sweep me away into an abyss. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, I didn't dare. I wont ever forget that moment. The sickening anxiety and dread I felt.

So, a couple of days ago I was looking through a bunch of photos on the computer and I found

that photo.

That moment.

The moment when, for the first time I thought my newborn son had Down's syndrome.

I can never forget how that felt.

But now when I look at this picture I can also see...

an intensely proud father cherishing his newborn son

Time is healing my wounds

Giving me perspective

and the clarity

to see the beauty that was always there.


  1. again I don't know what is up with the editing on this piece the spacing is all over the place.. blogger grrrr.

  2. i love these photos! so intimate and beautiful.

  3. Oh Viv, I am in tears. This was the most beautiful post!! I too have a picture of Russell where I was holding him looking down on him and it was "That Moment" for me...I knew that the Doctors were right and that he did in fact have Down syndrome...And every single time I see the photo my heart beats faster...I can still feel it.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I love the picture of you holding Owey, you can just feel the peace in that moment.

    Love, love, LOVED, this post!!!
