Sunday, November 28, 2010

thumbs up, thumbs down

From the weekend ...................

Thumbs Down - to the woman at the gardening shop that took my baby's hand to get his attention and when he turned to look at her, dropped his hand like it was a hot potato, Owen bless him started waving like crazy - she turned away. You broke my heart and I burst into tears as soon as I got to the car -at first I will admit I was crying for myself but then I thought - Owen will have to deal with people like that all his life - and then I was crying for my innocent, beautiful baby.

Thumbs Up - to the woman from the local bakery who played peek-a-boo with my baby as he sat in the pram while I selected a tasty treat from the display. When I went to pay for the sweets and I stood blocking her view of Owen and she said "you've interrupted the game", so I moved to the side so that they could continue, Owen's giggles and the young woman's smiles warmed and soothed my heart. And Thumbs Up - to the woman at the checkout who said hi when Owen waved and then played "hi fives" with him and to her husband who said "very cute". There will always be people that can "see" Owen for who HE is, his beauty and his playfulness.

NOTE TO SELF - learn to focus on the positive


  1. So sorry Viv, some people are just jerks. But I'm glad everyone else you encountered was kind. It's hard not to worry about the "jerks" our kids will come across in their lives but you are right in focusing on the positive!

  2. I really have to make a mental effort not to dwell on the negative experience. I think because I had two positive interactions after the bad one it helped to even up the emotional scoreboard.

  3. Awww, that first one broke my heart...Thats what makes me sad too, just knowing there are people out there who will treat Russell like that.
    But like you also posted there are awesome people out there too!! Loved the picture, what handsome boys :)

  4. He is a beautiful little guy! Thumbs WAY up to those who see how amazing our little ones truly are!
