Monday, June 27, 2011

Winter Solstice

Our school celebrated the Winter Solstice last Wednesday with a lantern walk, it was a beautiful and very cold night. The boys LOVED their lanterns, which we (actually I) made over the past few weeks of playgroup and at the end of the night each child received a gift - a Dahlia bulb to plant in the garden to wait for spring.

Mister "I have a flame!" manic grin

I can take it from here Dad !

(this is the only photo of Owen that wasnt blurry I think my old olympus is on its way out.


  1. Its funny I can feel so close to you, and yet we are so far apart! We celebrated Summer Solstice last week!!!

  2. how fun is this!! Happy Winter Solace...kiddos and fire! that is what I call fun!! smiles
