Wednesday, June 15, 2011

POP up outta the hole

I am SO out of the hole (re my last post)!!!

Thanks for the love and understanding of my friends.

Sometimes I think I live my life like its a sprint race, I think if I just stretch that little bit further, I will get to cross the finish line and THEN I can relax and rest. But I am coming to realise that life is more like a marathon and along that 42km run you have to pace yourself and you have to take some sustenance along the way or else you are really headed for trouble. My sustenance is provided by connecting with friends both those who KNOW DS and those who don't. This week has been connection week for me I've slowed down had lots of cups of tea, emails and love from friends, I feel good again, rested, calm and ready to continue.

And I thought I would add a video of Owen and I sharing a book, this is the one he learnt his colours from, words are few but through signing we have real communication.


  1. I'm sorry Viv, I didn't catch your last post. I just read it and I think everyone has those moments. I know weather definitely can play a roll in how I feel some days. I'm glad you are feeling better though and have bounced back nicely. Love the video, such a sweet boy.

  2. Ahhh, great video!! What a little smarty pants! I had to giggle a bit watching it because Owen acts just like Russell!! Russell loves reading and when we read he CANNOT sit still and he signs things as quick as he can and then tries to turn the page, haha.
    Glad your are out of the hole my friend :)

  3. so glad you are feeling better...and it is nice to just slow down sometimes!! we all need goes to fast as it is!! love the tip with Owen so going to try this with Maddie..she is refusing signing..she likes her words better!! darn 2 year olds!! smiles
