Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where's Poo?

In the early days of Googling DS I found a site that said kids with DS aren't toilet trained until 9 years of age - it was one of those shutdown the computer and have cry moments, I thought I couldn't handle it. Then after some thought I came to terms with the idea that he might not be toilet trained till then, I could handle it, my eldest didn't get night time trained until he was 6 years old and we just dealt with it in a matter of fact way and with dignity.

So yesterday morning........................... Owen made a grunting sound and I knew number 2's were on the way, so I signed "poo" and "toilet", grabbed him by the hand and raced him the the bathroom, he sat down and signed bubble (there are bubbles printed on the potty) then did his business and signed "poo" "where??" and looked between his legs LOL. I was hooting and squealing, for him so happy:). And this morning I was sleeping in (Owen was awake at 5 am) but he signed "poo" to his Dad and gave a grunt, so Dad whisked him off the the bathroom and Success again !! (he repeated yesterdays "poo" where" signs and looked between his legs too). I dont' know the proper name for this technique ? maybe parent-led toileting ? but I have used it with my older boys and both of them mastered number 2's before 1's, then it took one of the boys 8 months to conquer number 1 and the other took just a week ! So for now I just need to get Owen telling me consistently he needs to go poo and get him there in time, I feel like its so fragile right now and I really really have to pay attention to his cues or we will miss the opportunity to knock over this (major) milestone.


  1. I was just talking about this with my mom yesterday! We haven't even started trying with Lucas yet because he only has a few words. I guess until he starts talking more and understanding more, we'll wait. I don't want to start to early and fail, ya know? But that's awesome about Owen, I think you guys are doing awesome too ;)

  2. Hey, that's awesome!!! Keep up the good work Owen :)

  3. Hi, I just found your blog & am enjoying reading it. I just had to comment on the info you found that said kids with DS aren't trained until 9 years of age. I can totally understand how upsetting that must have been for you. I can't understand why someone would have out of date information like that on the web for new moms to find. It is truly one of my pet peeves. It is great that you are giving Owen a chance to show you what he can do & it sounds like he is doing awesome.

    I love your earlier post about Owen suprising the OT by knowing his colours. Again, it just shows that we can't put limits on our children. I believe high expectations are very important.

    Oh, & just to prove the 9 year thing wrong - my dd with Down syndrome was potty trained at age 3.

