Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The shops

We went to the shops yesterday - I am always down there - Owen loves the supermarket -it where all his fans are - or at least he thinks so. He waves and throws kisses and cheers for nearly everyone and he has become quite a celebrity with the women that work there. Every morning as I get him dressed he will sign "shops" and "car" over and over or "Mel" his family daycarer - don't know whats wrong with my company and staying home !!! Anyway, so we are down at the supermarket yesterday and we have done our shopping and I am putting Owen back in his car seat when he frantically starts saying "ooo" oooo" and signing something I didn't recognise at the time and then he sayes and signs " Uh oh" and points to something outside of the car and there laying on the ground is one of his shoes ! He was telling me his shoe had come off !!!! I was so proud of him ! I hadn't noticed and would have driven off with out it if he hadn't told me !!!! This kid is growing up !


  1. that rocks!! yeah for Owen and the lost shoe...that would have been a huge bummer! I love the enthusiasm in which our children have for life...Maddie to loves to shop and go in the car! sounds like Owen is feeling much better...smiles

  2. loved your comment on pudge and biggs! :)

  3. Awww, yaay Owen! This is one part of Ds I love...We celebrate EVERY THING! And it feels great! Oh and I like how you said "its where all Owens fans are" Hahaha...Russell has fans at our shops too! Every time we go to a check out in this one store the ladies fight over us to go into their lines! lol
