Monday, October 3, 2011

More Uber biotics

Cy complained of a sore ear yesterday afternoon and then proceeded to throw up everywhere. We took him to a doctor who said his ear drums are very red and he needs antibiotics. He threw up all over me and the bathroom after getting home from the doctors, because it is a public holiday here no chemist was open to get the antibiotic so we had to wait until this morning. We dosed him up with Painstop (a painkiller with codeine) and put him to bed for the night, he slept through till morning.
When he got up he came in to our bedroom and asked me "what's in my ear?" and I said "you have tubes in your ears to let the air in so you can hear better" and he said "no I have juice".... WTH !!!!!!!!Gross, but he has fluid leaking out his left ear, its just kinda oozing out. As soon as the chemist opened this morning we were there for the prescription.

So Cy is now on an antibiotic its not as Uber as Owens but stronger than normal. Urgghhh, we also bought a new bottle of probiotic and an extra large tub of yogurt.

Postive news is that Owen seems to be on the improve and is noticably trying to talk more/clearer !!! (so exciting) and Cy hasn't thrown up since last night. Yahoo.


  1. wowsa!! way to find the positive..ear juice is just not good! glad to hear things seem to be on the mend...smiles

  2. Oh my God, poor Cy guy! Hope he feels better soon!! And thats great about Owen!
