Saturday, August 13, 2011

Potty Update

Owen has been doing #2's in the potty and I think it has been about 2 weeks without accident !

If he could, he would take himself to the toilet, we often find him signing Toilet (with serious urgency) as he toddles his way across the lounge room into the hall to the bathroom door. Once he is at the bathroom door he's stuck because he can't actually reach the door knob to open the door. (we have to keep it shut to keep him from playing in there) Even if he could get it open, he has zero skills in taking his pants and nappy off, so I do that part, and sit him on the throne.

He HATES the real toilet, I don't know, maybe I pinched his leg between the toilet seat and the toddler insert once, because he certainly acts like the thing is going to bite him, he squeals if I try to put him on it and stiffens his body so I cant bend him to sit on it.

So much to my disgust I have him using the dinky little potty (cause I really think pottys are ick), he loves the little sea creatures painted on the front and his feet are on the floor giving him support which I do think helps him feel stable and safe not like the nasty biting toilet.

His reward for going to the potty?? To push the button on the toilet - once I have emptied the pottys load (shudder ick) into it.

Here he is caught in the act. .... of pushing the button


  1. That's a great reward ;) Luc loves flushing too. I think it's so great that he is doing so well potty training. Even if it is a hassle and kind of gross, it's so worth it!

  2. LOL...Cute pictures!! Oh, and I HATE the "little" potty's too!!! Nothing grosses me out more than dumping the contents into the "REAL" potty!! Its funny cause I am fine changing diapers, but washing poop out of the little potty makes me want to vomit every time!! I am hoping when the time comes Russell is easier to potty train that Jordy, she was a nightmare!

  3. this is awesome!! so jealous! it took Max till he was 5 years old to poopy n the potty! I love the everybody poops book...I am so not a fan of the little potties it creeps me out...but I would do what works! GREAT pix...classic! smiles
