Saturday, September 10, 2011

Power Play

It seems like every. single. thing. is a power struggle with O right now. He wants to do so many things for himself and growls and swipes at me if I try to help him.

Most of these power struggles have to do with things that are not negotiable like for instance brushing his teeth. Usually I would take turns with him brushing -my turn to brush properly and then his turn -munching the toothbrush. Lately its become a wrestling match complete with growling and writhing, with my legs wrapped over his legs to hold him still, .... think WWF on the floor of our bathroom. Its all such a put on, because as soon as I am done with doing it properly and offer the brush for his turn he stops instantly, snatches the toothbrush and goes over to the shower screen where he can see his reflection to laugh at himself while munching the toothbrush, while I collapse in exhaustion from wrestling his 14 kg Hulk (Hogan) body, seriously this kid is uber strong. So, with teeth done its onto brushing his hair and getting clothes on, all with variations of the brushing teeth performance.

Hulk, lucky I love you and sometimes you are gentle and thoughtful, like stack blocks !?


  1. I'm so glad we're not the only ones going through this! Lucas is Mr. Independent right now too. He is constantly yelling at me and or swiping at me too. Hopefully it's just a phase ;)

  2. I dont think my comment went through! Anyway, I was saying I had to laugh when you described the teeth brushing scene because you described me and Russell to a T...I have to pin him down on the bathroom floor with his hands at his side and TRY to brush while he grits his teeth as tight as he can...Its a nightmare...Oh and he swats and hollers at me all the time now, so you are not alone!!

  3. I am thinking the Maddie and Owen could have quite the WWF match! she is swiping, hitting, growling, and crying! I like to think of this as peaceful happy time in our house...I like to tune her out and ignore until she is takes alot of time and cussing under my breath...but I figure it is all I have! I am not sure what else to do..I think she is frustrated with her language...she knows what she is saying I just dont..we are starting PECS cards this Wed and I hope this helps..I will let ya know! smiles
