Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Path of acceptance

Over the past few years I have read many times people saying they wouldn't take away the extra chromosome from their child even if they could.

For the most part of this 3.5 year journey, that is NOT how I have felt.

But these past few months I have been feeling differently, I love who he is and what he brings to our family and to our community.

There was one moment when we were in Vanuatu that really helped me to see it - what he brings to the world...

Owen was sitting with some local women and they were playing a game of "happy and you know it" and clapping their hands, but when Owen saw one of the ladies was not clapping he got up and went over to her - gently taking her hands in his he clapped her hands together and smiled encouraging her to clap along, she laughed and started clapping and he laughed back to her in such a joyful way that everyone laughed. So simple - but for me it was a glimpse of the beautiful inclusiveness and the "in the moment joy" that people with the extra bring to the world.

So I don't know if I am a bit slow on the acceptance path or if I am average or what, but it is only now I understand that to take the extra away would mean that Owey isn't Owey. And that would make our family and community so much the poorer.


  1. This was really beautiful to read Viv. Loved it. Those moments when they happen make me feel the same way to...Russell was meant to be who he is.

    And this is by far my all time favorite picture of Owey :)

  2. Viv,

    I don't think you're alone in these thoughts. I often felt this way when my Owen (we too call him Owie--our spelling!) was younger. But it does make him who he is and I love him for it now, just like I know you love your Owen. And what a beautiful boy!

  3. Very cool! I would take away the medical issues...but I would want to keep Maddie's corks! I love our children's love of life...I like that they are content and empathetic already to the world around them...I love this pix of Owen! Great post! And I am very slow to the acceptance piece of Down syndrome...smiles
